We are in an Information War. Control of Narrative. The Cognitive Battlefield. And many powerful and sophisticated weapons have been deployed against our minds. So since it’s about narrative, here’s a story that serves as a primer on what and who we are dealing with.
Behavioral Science = "The Science of Totalitarianism" by applying known psychological sorcery practiced by the Merlin's to self-imagined kings to control the public mind, narrative.
Fixing our "optimism bias" we 'suffer' from by amplifying fear (aka terrorizing).
And do as we’re told, take untested, unsafe, ineffective experimental elixirs.
Following a Plug-and-Play model app that can be applied to any area in order to change any behavior or idea by “fixing” “wrong” perspectives.
Plug-and-play model app image above sourced from this official UK government document.
Which draws upon the century-old social and behavioral sciences of How Consent is Manufactured.
"Nudge" as Governance Today.
Being deployed through applications of "choice architecture" that gets rid of so many dizzying choices, eventually so that we're happy owning nothing and eating bugs.
It's bipartisan. Speaker McCarthy's BFF Roommate, Frank Luntz, a big fan.
As is Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, cited behavioral health in his Obamacare ruling.
Which is the same behavioral health science publication that called for mandatory masking, even though they knew that masks failed badly during the Spanish Flu.
You'll find the name, Maya Shankar, in several of these links, led Obama’s Social and Behavioral Science Team, now is Google's Chief Global Behavioral Scientist.
Who came to fame under this familiar name, Cass Sunstein, also mentioned in several of the links above.
Who also mentored another important name, Jessica Hertz, Obama administration--Senior Facebook staff--Top Biden official--Big Tech.
Now back in Big Tech at Shopify as Counsel and on their DC lobbying team. Oh yes, Justice Sotomayer presided over her wedding.
And Sunstein's wife is at the center of many global ills for nearly two decades, Samantha Power, another behaviorist (practitioner of the science of totalitarianism using psychological deceit propaganda and censorship campaigns of manipulation and coercion). Currently heads up USAID.
At an agency that's manufactured fear of disease to experiment on society before.
It is global. The UK and US partnership in psychological warfare against citizens is strong:
Sunstein's UK co-author, Richard Thaler and Nudge.
The UK has it's own Behavioural Insights Team and it specialized for the pandemic response SPI-B, led by a devout and proud totalitarian Marxist, Susan Michie.
Who was too much of a radical totalitarian for even the UK's Communist Party.
But now she's the WHO's Chief Behavioral Scientist after doing such a bang-up job bashing in the heads of Brits, literally and figuratively.
Joined by another UK totalitarian as the WHO's Chief Scientist, Jeremy Farrar.
Who also believed the UK's pandemic restrictions weren't totalitarian enough.
His former organization he led, Wellcome Trust, was a WEF Zero-Covid founding member.
And Wellcome Trust (Glaxo-Wellcome, Big Pharma), a peer in influence of the Gates Foundation, has a whole lot invested in deploying psychological warfare on people of the world under its Wellcome LEAP offshoot, headed by a DARPA pro:
Lot's of bread crumbs laid down here, all leading to a basket-full of the truly deplorable, the dead-enders, the real bitter clingers. A journey into the depths of depravity that man is capable of unleashing on their fellow man when they are convinced they are helping others for a common good. Because, you know, sometimes you have to break a few (million) eggs (skulls) to make an omelet.
It never ends well. Every time it's been tried.
The legacy of mandatory submission to the manipulated and coerced collective for a declared public good needs to be taught right for this menticide rape of the public mind to end and the restoration of our constitutional republic founded on individual freedom. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Our God-given birth rights.
Check out The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, a real group. A 2005 downloadable book by John Coleman wraps it all up with a bow.
Wow. I'm only part-way through the links. But it is obvious the huge amount of effort and expertise ($$$) spent by governments and their institutions around solving "vaxx hesitancy". I think they have failed in that endeavor and are a bit stumped. The behavior scientists are flummoxed! And that is at least a small victory.