This story is of the popular meme that circulated on social media beginning in 2015. About a wolf pack being led by the weakest wolf, so as not to leave the any wolf behind. A story created to promote the idea of the collective protecting its weakest member, nature as more virtuous and “humane” than selfish man.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Fox knows this. Fox is often found where wolves live. Foxes are solitary hunters, wolves pack hunters. Foxes are much smaller, less powerful than wolves. Foxes lose those fights, and so they avoid wolves. Foxes would lose fights against all but the weakest wolf, found alone. The type of wolf this meme says the pack is protecting from other predators by allowing it to set the pace.
But that’s not nature as it exists. It’s an imagining of nature as superior to man’s worst, selfish impulses, wolves more enlightened, compassionate creatures than heartless selfish man.
Which makes this is an example of psychological "priming." This meme convinced a great many that nature is more virtuous than man in elevating the weakest to lead the entire pack. It was so successful at using the target audience's sense of idealistic compassion for the less fortunate that even when the message in the meme was debunked the target audience of this psychological priming defended the meme as something that should be the natural order of things. Which should be natural law. And should be made man's law because it conveyed the height of altruism, putting others above self. It worked especially well on those with the biggest hearts among us. Not a bad thing in itself. Became bad when it softened the target audience so they could be enlisted to support the use of force on those who weren’t even as compassionate for the weak as a wild wolf. Selfish man below more evolved nature, worthy of punishment.
But the natural world doesn't obey fictions that defy reality. No matter how much the idealist wants and demands it to. This is one example of the psychological priming that has been ongoing in society for much longer than the 2020 pandemic exposed. The priming enabled the demands of society that we all must be made better than our wicked nature, as even wild wolves are. This type of priming was the precursor to all of the mandates and sacrifices demanded of society for a flu outbreak no more harmful than the Hong Kong Flu of 1968 that the world continued to live normally through.
This type of psychological priming is the precursor to indulging the delusions of the mentally ill, like those suffering with gender dysphoria, society now bows to demands we use preferred pronouns under penalty of law or social exclusion. Priming necessary to reorder life on earth for those suffering from germophobia, obey demands we mask up, quarantine and lockdown, lose businesses and livelihoods, sacrifice child development to protect the few actually at risk because of a mass delusion, induced or intrinsic. Priming to submit to demands we go without heat and food to protect war refugees suffering from military operations on borders in faraway lands; to prevent catastrophic climate changed based on fictional computer models, to save polar bears from extinction.
“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”
- Voltaire.
This meme is just one example of psychological priming. Which programs an otherwise perfectly functional mind to embrace fictional understandings of reality divorced from the natural world we live in. Psychological priming that is intentional manipulation of the public mind to view weak leaders as courageous and strong. Propaganda that weak leaders benefit from. Who seek to control the strong through mental castration so they can be ruled by weak leaders. The strong identified as their biggest threat to retaining power. Because a society that is led by the strong will leave the weak behind For its own survival. Even a little ‘ole fox knows this eternal truth. It’s as God created it.
Excellent post. Evil almost never presents as evil. Instead, it usually appeals to people’s better natures. Who wants grandma to get sick and die? Who would say that black lives don’t matter? Who wants to trash the earth?
This is why fighting against it is so hard. *We* end up looking like the evil ones.
It is remarkable how easy it is to bewitch people with stupidity.