May 14, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

Well…how’s this for some verbal & logical gymnastics? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=raTOh2ZMDhQ

….Amazing. Thanks so much for this piece & ALL your fine & foxy work!!!

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I used to like Del B. I think he's a bit too big for his tree... ;)

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023Author

I've met him at health freedom conferences. He gives a hellofa locker-room pep talk! I'd rather have him on my team than not. Conceit and strong personalities have a strong correlation. And are going to be found in any opposition to strong threats. We take the good with the bad. Keeping that which is meant for us, letting go of that which is not. That yin/yang thing.

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Would disagree with banning this. If it was assumed to be antisemitic in tone, I don’t think that was the intent, although it does seem to be an idiosyncratic borrowing of the term, “Synagogue of Satan” (which is from Revelation 3:9, St. John’s Apocalypse.)

I fail to see much sense in any of this back & forth over Del Bigtree, but nor can I make much sense out of your warning. But that’s fine. Godspeed.

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Yeah, I just don't trust him. He's all THERE IS A VIRUS, blah blah. Bollocks. ;)

I'm not saying I HATE him, I just don't care if I hear anything about him until he gets his head straight (controlled op? seems like it, but who knows?).

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

Can you explain further why you think his head is too big & is maybe a controlled op? Does that have a direct relationship to his adherence to germ theory as well? — Confused by your comments. Thanks!

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May 14, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

Consensus can have value when it arises spontaneously via a shared conclusion of many independent thinkers; as such it must always be subject to refutation by new voices with new evidence. The word becomes a tool of oppression when it is shoved down our throats and opposing voices are actively silenced.

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May 14, 2023·edited May 14, 2023Author

True. If the consensus chart I shared had a rectangle box downward instead of across it would reflect a legitimate consensus to base representative government public policy, i.e. the force of the state, upon. The box across reflects an illegitimate consensus and public policy it's based upon is definitionally tyranny.

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Hi, I'm having to unsubscribe for a time, got a computer "virus" and can't keep up with all the email from doing this from the library!

Will try to get back into the "swing" and then I'll resubscribe. xo

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May 14, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

Team work, consensus, collaboration... I have personally experienced these “things/words” function perfectly and successfully. We just need the humans who lead and participate in these endeavours to have ethics/morals and a common goal/vision.

This is why it is vital that we each take responsibility to stand up/speak out when a person of poor character/ignorance acts out - we need to hold each other accountable and to high standards or else we enable the toxicity/lies/bullshit to flourish.

We are each responsible for what is happening in the world today.

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May 14, 2023·edited May 14, 2023Author

Yes! The consensus chart reflects an illegitimate consensus model. There is a consensus chart that reflects a legitimate consensus model. It draws upon the diversity of humanity. Like if the rectangle box went downward instead of across.

The consensus chart above and used by authorities today is a homogeneous sampling known to produce justification for an agenda that authorities benefit from, at the expense of all others. Consensus under that construct has been reduced to a tool of repression, tyranny. Not functional representative governance.

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I agree with nearly everything you're saying. However, I disagree with that last sentence. I'd call that blaming the victim. Why doesn't an abused wife "just leave"?? It's complicated. I think that in this situation, too, it's complicated. There are many layers of why people haven't "done something" about the encroaching tyranny... Well, it seems that we are stuck in a sort of action-reaction loop... We get to the point where the tyranny must be put down, and it is ALWAYS put down, but then somehow we fail to fix the broken that caused it in the first place-- maybe because those who WANT the tyranny are still able to create it due to some foundational, fundamental constructs that need to be changed. We have to do more than simply call out the malfeasants and punish them, we need to change the SYSTEM itself, in my opinion, to disable the means, as best we can, of the same monster slowly building up again.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

We are all victims of someone at some point. We’ve all experienced tyranny and slavery in a relationship, either personal or professional. We all have it within our families. It’s not possible to avoid these things.

It’s not what happens to us that matters in the grand scheme of things - it’s how we deal with it, what we learn from it, what actions we take following it that defines us.

I was in an abusive relationship. I remember discussing the stats with my therapist. It’s a very small percentage of women that successfully leave, almost zero when children are involved. It’s really sad. Dumb luck that I was the exception? I just don’t know.

People are complicated, relationships are even more complicated.

What I do know for sure is every time you turn and look away instead of facing it, it becomes easier. Just like every time you stand up for yourself or someone else, it becomes easier. I know which choice I’ll make every time. I’m willing to deal with the consequences too.

I’ve been down to the deepest depths of despair and I played a part in every single step that got me there. I also played a part in every single step that got me out of it.

Hurt people hurt people. Some of us hurt others, some of us hurt ourselves. Life is a struggle and then we heal and move forward, hopefully 🤞🏻

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<<< "It’s not what happens to us ... - it’s how we deal with it, what we learn from it, what actions we take following it that defines us." >>>


<<< "I remember discussing the stats with my therapist." >>>

Why stats? - I have an idea but my answer is not important to YOU - even though I might reveal it here. As I have no idea where this thought is going to lead me to ...

Not that are stats are irrelevant - NOTHING TRULY IS - but equally important would be the question what IS THE CAUSE that leads to this stats. As these stats are simply A SYMPTOM of something MUCH MUCH BIGGER. Again no quarrels about stats as one has to start somewhere.

To me THE GLOBAL SITUATION - the definition of this level of perception may vary and is certainly up for debate - looks like THE PINNACLE of the crowding of THE COLLECTIVE HUMAN MIND into Plato's cave by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. The latter collective being the "same" as the collective that is being crowded into the cave. Like a feedback loop - observed in the madness of crowds on the stock market, theatre fire, DEATHVAX HOAX ... - the only difference being here that the EXIT FROM THE MADNESS cannot come from DECLARING THE SYMPTOMS BEING THE DISEASE. Aka lets sedate everyone and once the frantic actions subside .... we declare "victory" over the madness.


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Thanks for sharing your story, or overview of it, my heart to yours says, You're Doing Alright! xo

I'll just say that most of us fit your description and what you're saying, but there is a fringe group, and I'm not sure I'd even call them human (I haven't decided yet), that hurt people because they like the POWER of it, they enjoy torture... A fringe group, as I said, and we call them "psychopaths." Those are the people, the ones that are hoarding 90% of the world's wealth, that are killing and torturing us, and I think it's time to make it much, much, much harder for that to happen...

That's my thought about it! I don't have all the answers, but I'm ready to kick some oligark butt! Cheers, and congrats on getting your life together! ^_^

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These “psychopaths” know that “immature”humans depend on leaders (mom and dad) to provide them with answers, safety and security, etc, instead of relying on and taking responsibility for ourselves. When humans are taught that someone else has the answers, that someone else is going to “save” us, that if I just hold my hands out long enough, someone else will provide for me, then we are submitting ourselves to the whims of these psychos.

These “psychopaths” don’t get into positions of power on their own. They get there because corrupt people all along the way provide them with opportunity. They get there because we pave the way for them with our complacency. If we all stood up every time a person abused or took advantage of someone else, they would never reach positions of power.

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It starts at home. Dr. Spock-ism took over child-rearing.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox


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100 % + .....+ ....

BUT which on and of itself is a result of "EVE" adding the guilt poison syringe into the equation of human existence by advancing the poisonous agenda of SATAN of the knowledge of "good and evil" and ADAM buying into it and thereby being expelled from THE GARDEN OF EDEN into the wilderness of the mental prison cell of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - commonly known as THE JUNGLE!

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<<< "These “psychopaths” know that “immature”humans depend on leaders (mom and dad) to provide them with answers, safety and security, etc, instead of relying on and taking responsibility for ourselves." >>>

NO "they" (who would that be in the first place - I would ask - WE sounds more appropriate to me) don't KNOW ANYTHING - "WE" BELIEVE that "WE" know AND that "WE" have the "correct" answer to everything and "WE" strive for the means to put the "correct" answer in place.

BUT "WE" forget about GOD ALMIGHTY and that HE PUT "us" here in the FIRST PLACE. How any HUMAN MIND can have the audacity to claim that there is A SOURCE OF CREATION - GOD ALMIGHTY - and HE CREATES a creature like a human. How is HE GOING TO GO AWAY and leave HIS "TODDLER" unattended while even PROMISING THAT HE GOING TO TAKE CARE OF HIS CREATION. Only blindness of THE HUMAN MIND - THE ORIGINAL SIN IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN - can come up with such HUBRIS. THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - the collective of ALL HUBRISTIC MINDS denying THE WISDOM, GRACE AND MIGHT of GOD ALMIGHTY and living by it - is only an extension of the individual DOWNFALL of each and every of HIS CREATION into the state of MENTAL DARKNESS.

Plato's cave is the best analogy that springs to mind!


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<<< "However, I disagree with that last sentence." >>>

How so? I would ASK!

And the response coming up is ....

Everyone who perceives his/her existence as a material object within a material machinery will always look for a "culprit" outside of him-/herself not realising that EVERY HUMAN MIND CO-creates ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. Which is why Jesus said ...

“Listen and understand. 11What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.” Matt 15, 10

What is it that comes out of your mouth - YOUR THOUGHTS - so by extension your thoughts define THE WORLD co-dependently on all OTHER HUMAN MINDS THOUGHTS but nevertheless your thought are the only ones that you are "responsible" for.




3. ......


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" Why doesn't an abused wife "just leave"?? " - complicated ABSOLUTELY - and running away (not to confuse with taking cover) is the worst option. THE GARDEN OF EDEN is the perfect example for it.

What does this mean for our existence - Everyone who believes that he/she can simply leave HIS CREATION is terribly mistaken. And I don't claim any proof of it, but deductive reasoning. However GOD ALMIGHTY works HE has put every iota in its place based on HIS WISDOM, for HIS PURPOSE and out of HIS MIGHT. Asking HIM is all anyone can do and then take HIS ADVICE seriously. EVERYTHING ELSE IS IN HIS HANDS!

It's more than complicated as everyone having spent half an hour on this knows, which is why this has to suffice for the moment!

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(Banned)May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

<<< "We just need the humans who lead and participate in these endeavours to have ethics/morals and a common goal/vision." >>>

I fully get your point! BUT ...


29Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. 30At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. 31But about the resurrection of the dead—have you not read what God said to you, 32‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’ b ? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.” Matt 22, 29-32


37Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ c 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ d 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matt 22, 37-39


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May 25, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

Thank you.

Ethics/morals and a common vision come from having a strong relationship with God.

I don’t feel comfortable quoting scripture. The church was infiltrated long before our state, media, legal and medical institutions were. The bible, which is jam packed full of guidance and wisdom, is available to anyone who seeks it. If you seek truth, you will find it there. Just like you’ll find it in children, in nature, in a committed and loving relationship, in beauty and in moments of clarity and awe.

As long as you put your relationship with God above all else (i.e. man’s creations)... live like Jesus did... walk the bodhisattva path...

There are many ways to find God. Scripture is one.

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I can fully subscribe to your statement ... BUT with a WARNING.

In today's world with the "intellectualisation" of human existence, and I have to believe this being so forever, there is no OTHER way then THROUGH HIS WORD. And it has absolutely NOTHING to do with any worldly institution or "high priest". Assuming that my "reading" of your thoughts is correct I would agree on the notion that there are many PLACES where one can find HIS WORD - THE TRUTH. But one thing cannot be refuted, that if a child does not learn THE WORLDLY LANGUAGE OF GOD it is going to be sucked into the vortex of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN promising heaven on earth "in the flesh" - which is THE BIGGEST LIE THERE IS!

Everyone who wants to understand Chinese has to learn Chinese. There is no way around it. It is the same here. There are many more aspects to it why I think the casual children, nature, loving relationship (btw I remember an admittance by you as to how complicated such a thing is) ... which makes it unimaginable that a relationship towards GOD just falls out of the blue sky .... not to say it is impossible - NOTHING is impossible for GOD ALMIGHTY - ...

But discarding HIS WORD towards the rank - nice to have - is IMHO fatal as it assumes the doors to HIS TABLE are going to be open indefinitely. Read Matthew 22 and another warning in Matthew 18 and Matthew 7!


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May 25, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

Totally understand. I’m in no way discarding his word - but the bible is also made by man. Man wrote it, man selected which books were included and which were excluded, man has edited it a hundred times over and man has interpreted it in a thousand ways over millennia.

“God-fearing” and “devout believers” were some of the first to volunteer to put Satan’s poison in their body, gladly serve up their children and then loudly and proudly condemn those of us who didn’t. This is a huge red flag for me and I won’t ignore it. Snakes are in the grass everywhere!

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>>> "“God-fearing” and “devout believers” were some of the first to volunteer ..." <<<

THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN surely promotes its MENTAL VENOM everywhere!

37“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. Matthew 10, 37-39

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May 25, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

I am just weary of putting the words in the bible, which are another man’s interpretations of their relationship with God, above my relationship with God. God speaks directly to me through our relationship, not through someone else’s relationship with God.

I am cautious because the bible can easily become another golden calf.

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>>> "Man wrote it, man selected which books were included and which were excluded, man has edited it a hundred times over and man has interpreted it in a thousand ways over millennia." <<<

That's why one listens to it and what remains is THE TRUTH because everything that is not of HIM is THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN sneaking in its venom. I truly understand and still there is nothing more important than HIS WORD

"YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE" - and sometimes the getting to know takes "deserts", "ages", "oceans" to cross in order to arrive.

Just remember NOAH - what a hero he was - "quietly", patiently, diligently and faithfully building THE ARK in the midst of "Sodom and Gomorra". How could have he done so without the fountain of nourishment of THE WORD?

And believe me I am fully aware that there is nothing more "human" than NOT HAVING FAITH IN HIS WORD. Why because THE VENOM of doubt being injected into the heart not being able to discern what is said in THE WORD.

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(Banned)May 14, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

Considering the connotation of foxes - as witnessed by the image above - as emblematic for deceit, maybe considering "Freedom Hedgehog" would convey the purpose of this publication to the world less ambiguously ...!?

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Ahh, but Foxes are also known as guides through a deceitful world in many cultures. It is because they are familiar with deceit for their survival as both small predator and prey that they recognize it, "it takes one to know one" quicker than most. And when on a spiritual path they offer guidance through a deceitful world.

And the ambiguity serves the function of reminding people that even those appearing to be friends, allies, may not be. All men are fallen. And can be led astray by other fallen men. None all good, none all bad. Only God is to be fully trusted. Our trust in fallen men we believed to be friends, allies and good brought us to these times. We must always be vigilant, on our toes. Foxes know one mistake can end their life.

I encourage readers to be as skeptical of what they read here as what they read anywhere else. I just hope the ideas and concepts I share from the sources I share provokes their own exploration of them so that readers find their own path to truth. I'm on my journey, seeking it. I know it ends in God's kingdom. Which I'm not in a hurry to reach, and so I'm finding my path through this world of deceptions.

And if others peek into my path and find what I share to be a valuable map then I hope to meet them in God's kingdom in a long, long time. The fox spirit is known to be that guide when in it's most evolved ascendant state in many cultures. This Fox is still evolving, perhaps will reach an ascendant state. With work, discovery, vigilance and God's will.

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(Banned)May 14, 2023·edited May 14, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

GOD ALMIGHTY is not in a hurry either and HE provides answers to any question asked, even to those ones asked with tongue in cheek. Prove - the comment above

.... not everyone is a fox though, in order to be able to discern between honest - good is poisoned - and deceitful ones....


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As another canine type, I find foxes fun and interesting! ;)

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Foxes are seen as clever and cunning, too, which doesn't always have to be negative... It's like yin/yang or dark/light, and seems most things have a duality that way... Which is why there were sun worshipers, maybe? No darkness there!

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(Banned)May 24, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

Which is why it is paramount to bring LIGHT into this issue - I suppose!

Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves....

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And being wise is also knowing that sometimes darkness is able to hide in the light. Cloaked. Hiding in plain sight is one of the best places to hide. As we speak about light.

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(Banned)May 24, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

Well, I beg to differ strongly. Darkness NEVER hides in plain sight. It is always THE LIGHT that is "hiding" in plain sight as THE DARKNESS cannot discern THE TRUTH from its own LIES.

I'd rather not confuse THE LIE with THE TRUTH!

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Author

Maybe we are communicating a similar idea with different word choices? I conceptualize as darkness possessing a cloaking device, able to render itself invisible to all who look right through it. There. But being an illusion there are tiny light wavelength distortions that only a keen eye trained to see the small imperfections, blurs, prism shifts and alerted to look out for can spot in the light that hides it for most all others. How would you characterize that in this analogy?

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(Banned)May 24, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

I meant it LITERALLY as a warning. As the proverbial saying goes - The road to hell is paved with good intentions! NO EXCEPTIONS!

I am fully aware of what you are trying to say. Which is why I am so stubborn. There is more to existence than what THE HUMAN MIND as able to call wavelength...


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