Oct 8, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

Dear Freedom Fox!

Too much reading and too much to read! Have found this post belatedly and tho’ I’ve yet to read the full original CFR piece I do have an impression. It’s an interesting look at the CFR and the powerful guiding bodies of that time — and thank you.

It seems to say more about the CFR than it does the totalitarians he decries! Here is one of my takeaways.

It states:

“The democratic method is to adapt social change to technological change. The dictators are trying to do the contrary.”

When the CFR’s writer says ‘democracy’ here what they’re really saying is “progressivism”. And that is of the very same genus of hell-spawned insect as the dictatorships he mentions, though he presents them as opposing kinds altogether. The essential difference between the two is that in 1941, the progressive insect was as yet a nymph; now we see it fully metamorphosed, and that’s why it so resembles the Soviet, Fascist and Nazi states. It’s because this CFR ‘democracy’ of social change and technological development was always a totalitarian state in its nature. It’s why this CFR ‘democracy’ sounds so danged familiar these days: “Our Democracy”. The beast now has its wings.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

OK, I read it twice.

Last night and this afternoon.

This was written 82 years ago?

Many things caught my attention, the 1st being:

"Today, the German university professor must ask himself one question: Does my scientific work serve the welfare of National Socialism?"

Good read, though.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

After reading this post, I now have to read the entire link.

Weather is great in cttage country, Ontario, so I'll likely overdose on vitamin D.

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Um, fox, the wolves and the buffalo request a place to stay for a quiet evening - can you offer accommodation?

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