Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

Thanks for this.

P.S. (For those lacking a sense of smell)

A Handy 10 Point Checklist for Criminal Male Bovine Fecal Deposit Detection

▢ 1. Government bureaucrat with high status and big paycheck at podium / on TV

▢ 2. Pushing medical directive as one-size-fits-all (or within a given group one-size-fits-all)

▢ 3. Said directive directly and importantly financially benefits for-profit entities in the medical industrial complex

▢ 4. Political party of said government bureaucrat receives financial support from for-profit entities that would attend to said medical directive

▢ 5. Egregious violation of human rights

▢ 6. Glamor psy-op ("science" is so modern and sophisticated, we soar high above your weenie little questions)

▢ 7. Guilt-trip psy-op (if you don't agree, you are selfish / innocent people will die, etc.)

▢ 8. Status-danger psy-op (if you don't agree, you are stupid, uneducated, kooky, mentally ill, low-class, wrong skin color, and/or right wing extremist)

▢ 9. Relevant data nonexistent and/or censored and/or gamed

▢ 10. Anyone who promotes alternative treatments censored / shadow-banned / maliciously smeared

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Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

When it comes to the "germ" theory versus "terrain" theory debate, I am squarely on the side of Bechamp. I think the whole "germ" theory concept is actually a tool of fear used by nefarious forces who think they got the right to rule us all. I don't think we should be afraid of small things and while a fox may kiss a wolf every know and then, usually the fox is advised not to get too close to the wolf.

Likewise, the wolf is advised not to mess in the business of the fox.

I'm on the side of Bechamp - and like so many other ideas stifled from the 19th century, such as those espoused by Kropotkin, the time of better ideas asserting their truth is upon us. Ideas that have been stifled for many generations have force to be reckoned with.

Peace is easy,


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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

Excellent article!

I have suggested the Carlin video on numerous blog comments.

The man was brilliant...

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Did that fox really touch noses with the wolf?

Is that picture real?



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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Freedom Fox

I love the opening pic. Such beauty!

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