Step-in-Fox's Magic Carpet Ride
What Will We Find? RFK Jr -> Genetics/Eugenics -> Bioethics -> Jeffrey Epstein -> Shah of Iran's SAVAK Legacy
A few weeks ago Democratic presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy, Jr made some remarks about ethnically targeted bioweapons that many in the ruling regime and its media turned up the outrage machine over. And Substack writers Naomi Wolf and Sasha Latypova did a good job of covering the regime’s stories and how phony the outrage machine was.
While learning more about those ethnically targeted bioweapons Fox’s Magic Carpet Ride took flight with a Time article from April, 2019, Leading Doctors Discussed Creating Ethical Medical Miracles at the TIME 100 Summit. Which had this to say:
“Speaking at the first Time 100 Summit in New York City on Tuesday, prominent geneticist George Church admitted that for about 10 years, he knew biological weapons could be specifically targeted to individual people. But he kept it to himself.
Church, a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, participated in a panel discussing how to introduce breakthroughs in medicine”
“Church is among the first scientists to appreciate that DNA and genes would become the biological currency of this century. He has contributed to critical advancements in gene editing, which remains controversial for its enormous power to permanently alter the human gene pool, as well as that of plants and animals. Gene editing could make it possible to erase lethal diseases, produce higher crop yields and even create healthier foods. But genetic manipulation, taken to another extreme, can create super bugs and even possibly create super humans with enhanced abilities to think, move and alter their world. Current regulations, social norms and cultures have been slow to address how best to apply these possible changes to the human experience.”
The full summit video is embedded in the Time article. Here’s a short clip (2:49) that AP picked up from the Summit.
We’ll come back to the TIME 100 Summit, but the Magic Carpet flew Fox to prior research on genetics, eugenics, eugenomics, newgenics, etc that are important to understand the many ethical concerns in play when we’re tinkering with biotechnology that experiments with the human genome. As with all scientific advances there’s good and bad that may come from it. Advances that may improve and save lives, and advances that may harm and take lives. Hence, the “Ethical Medical” in the Summit’s title.
The proponents of genetic research do a great job of selling their promises of miracles. Sometimes they are successful, benefits result. And those are what drives investments, so the positive PR is plentiful. The hazards and harms that come with genetic research typically gets downplayed. There’s not much money to be made telling of potential - and realized - harms. The first bioethical challenge.
We know from history the pseudoscience of eugenics was responsible for the worst crimes against humanity in history in Nazi Germany. But the Nazi’s weren’t alone, nor even the first. That (dis)honor goes to the United Sates. Among many eugenics programs in the early 1900’s was the sterilizations of the mentally ill and disabled. Buck v. Bell, an 8-1 Supreme Court decision that said “Three generations of imbeciles is enough” as they approved of the mandatory sterilization of Carrie Buck, a rape victim deemed “feeble-minded.” A US Court decision raised as a defense by defendants on trial at Nuremberg. Dramatized in the movie Judgement at Nuremberg.
Buck v. Bell has importance in eugenics and all of the related fields, eugenomics, newgenics, The decision was never fully overturned, tweaked by Skinner v Oklahoma, but largely stands. Even upheld as recently as 2001. The decision even was cited in Roe v. Wade. And along with Jacobson it guides court decisions on body autonomy issues like…vaccine mandates.
This isn’t just theoretical stuff that is staying in university laboratories. It’s imposing itself into our lives today. In a very big way. Like the European '1+ Million Genomes' Initiative. Pro Tip: Not staying in just Europe. And Wellcome Trust’s Sanger Institute (Wellcome is a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation peer) is in on it it in the UK. Planned to come soon in the US, as well. Voluntary start. Mandatory end.
This dataset represents the world’s largest single release of WGS data[2]. When combined with the extensive amount of lifestyle, biochemical, imaging and health outcome data already held for UK Biobank participants, it will enable researchers to better understand the role of genetics for health outcomes and to advance drug discovery and development.
The whole genome sequencing (WGS) of all 500,000 UK Biobank participants is the most ambitious project of its kind ever undertaken. It has been funded through a public-private partnership involving Amgen, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Johnson & Johnson[3], alongside Wellcome and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and sequencing has been carried out by deCODE Genetics and the Wellcome Sanger Institute[4]. The release of these 200,000 whole genomes today will be followed up by the release of the WGS data for the remaining 300,000 participants in early 2023.
Meryl Nass’s Substack dives into this here.
Additional research on eugenics genetics is found here for deeper research. And this long paper cautions about playing God with genes, science, technology, morals, ethics, public policy, the future of biotech.
Next stop for the Magic Carpet is this research paper addresses the need for non-scientists to be a part of determining appropriate, ethical public policy. It's 22 pages, not super easy reading, but not particularly dense, either. Eugenomics: Eugenics and Ethics in the 21st Century. NIH's Francis Collins is mentioned in this paper. The author is also important to note. Jane Aultman, a bioethicist. She wrote this nearly twenty years ago. The bioethics it describes are sensible, what most all would agree are ethical.
But that was twenty years ago. Pre-2020. Today, in addition to Aultman being a university professor of bioethics, she’s on the editorial board of the American Medical Association’s Journal of Ethics. And her ethics today are a bit different than before 2020. Saying that there was no ethical conflict with hospitals being paid extra for covid deaths.
Ethics that change to fit a situation are known as Utilitarian ethics. Ends justifies the means. That type of ethics doesn’t get most all agreeing are ethical. I’ll give a shout out to Substacker Max Leaf who knows the field of ethics much more than I.
Like the ethics of Chief Bioethicist at the National Institute of Health, Catherine Grady. Aka, Mrs. Anthony Fauci. Writing papers about why everyone needs to take dangerous experimental biotech for protection against an illness most everyone, especially under 50, are at no risk of. But her relationship with the CDC Director who makes millions of dollars from hawking dangerous experimental biotech to everyone, even those at literally zero risk of illness like under 18 is COMPLETELY ethical! They're just a happy couple helping Americans and the world, no ethical conflicts of interest, not even the appearance of any ethical conflicts of interest!
Ethics. Bioethics. Important, critical to know the values of those involved in the ethics of biotechnology that changes our genes, and who’s genes are deemed worthy and unworthy. Our system today embraces Utilitarian ethics, ends justifies the means. I ‘hear no, see no, speak no’ ethical conflicts.
Jeffrey Epstein
The Magic Carpet flies back to the TIME 100 Summit as promised. George Church, the panelist quoted, has very interesting connections. Very interesting.
Jeffrey Epstein’s Harvard Connections Show How Money Can Distort Research
Scientific American, September 1, 2020
“This past May, Harvard University (where I teach) issued a report on its relationship with the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. It was an admirably forthright mea culpa highlighting three areas of concern. The second was the mockery made of academic standards when, after donating $200,000 to the psychology department, Epstein was appointed as a visiting fellow there despite a complete lack of appropriate academic qualifications. The third was his close connection to Harvard's Program for Evolutionary Dynamics (PED). [FF NOTE: PED is closely related to eugenics]
But more than two thirds of Epstein's donations—$6.5 million—went to PED director Martin Nowak. Epstein encouraged others to give another $2 million to geneticist George Church.
What made it even worse was that Epstein was a latter-day eugenicist whose interests were tied to a delusional notion of seeding the human race with his own DNA. Given this stance, it is particularly disturbing that he focused his largesse on research on the genetic basis of human behavior. Human genetics is an ethically sensitive and intellectually contested domain where it behooves us to ensure that the highest standards of scientific rigor are in place and that nongenetic explanations for behavior are given a fair chance to compete.”
Jeffrey Epstein donated $9m to Harvard before 2008 guilty plea, says university
UK Guardian, September 13, 2019
“The disclosure that Harvard declined Epstein’s contributions after he was convicted for soliciting a minor are in marked contrast to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and its Media Lab (FF Note: MIT’s Media Lab is a big player in the government censorship industry, mis/disinformation), which has been rocked by revelations that it accepted more than $7.5m in donations from Epstein or people connected to the university through him after his conviction.
Amid a review of Epstein donations to MIT, the university’s president, Rafael Reif, acknowledged Thursday he apparently thanked Epstein in a note in 2012 in response to one donation.”
What other types of research did Epstein fund? He really liked Noam Chomsky’s work. Marxist author of Manufacturing Consent. Including for totalitarianism.
“"Likewise with [Noam] Chomsky on artificial intelligence," he said, referring to one of the pioneers in the field.
“In fact, Epstein expressed great respect for the opinions of these elder statesmen. "It's funny to watch Noam Chomsky rip apart these young boys who talk about having a thinking machine," Epstein noted. "He takes out a dagger and slices them, very kindly, into little shreds."
About that Martin Nowak who Epstein gave a whole lot of money to. Interesting in that one of his pursuits was virus research (Corona?):
"Nowak has authored books and scientific papers on topics in evolutionary game theory, cancer, viruses, infectious disease, the evolution of language, and the evolution of cooperation. His first book, Virus Dynamics (written with Robert May) was published by Oxford University Press in 2001.”
Including research into HIV/AIDS (Fauci’s pandemic practice disease?):
Social and Behavioral Sciences (Applied psychological propaganda for manipulative and coercive social control, pandemic NPI? The Science of Chomsky's manufacturing consent for totalitarianism?)
And a body of work that includes research useful for eugenics and transhumanism?
Jeffrey Esptein wan’t just a pedophile who didn’t kill himself. What else was he connected to that might have been a reason he didn’t kill himself? His frequent guests like Bill Gates and many scientists, psychologists, powerful people who have been at the center of the pandemic experimental biotech and amplified fear propaganda and censorship media campaign. Not killing himself just a few months before a plandemic with the goal of global experimental mRNA gene therapies with unknown (or known) severe adverse side effects.
Genetics, eugenics, tests of body autonomy protection laws. More to his untimely death than just the same powerful people sexually assaulting children? As if that wouldn’t be evil enough a revelation to the public? What if?
Shah of Iran
The Magic Carpet stays at The TIME 100 Summit but moves to another interesting person of interest. Pardis Sabeti.
“The final panelist, Pardis Sabeti, joined the call for needing more humanity in applying scientific advances. She’s a professor in Harvard University’s Center for Systems Biology and Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology.
Sabeti played a key role in directing the emergency response to the Ebola epidemic in western Africa that began in 2013 and culminated in 2016. She and her team sequenced samples of the Ebola virus isolated from those who were infected in order to determine, real time, how the infections were spreading. That helped public health experts decide on the most effective control strategies by tracing patients’ immediate contacts and ensuring that those at highest risk of spreading the virus were properly supported and monitored.
“The problem with the way we quarantined people during the [Ebola] outbreak early on was that it was draconian,” she said, “It made people feel isolated. I wrote a memo for people in the Pentagon and the President’s office a week into the outbreak that we need Disney involved. We need a food court, we need people who know how to help people get in and out of the [Hazmat] suits and make people who are infected know that they are secure and loved, not isolated. I believe in quarantine; it is effective. But I think our entire culture about the way we think about quarantine needs to change so we engage each other as partners.””
is an Iranian American computational biologist, medical geneticist, and evolutionary geneticist. She was then a Rhodes Scholar at New College, Oxford, and completed her doctorate in evolutionary genetics in 2002, and graduated summa cum laude with a Doctor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School in 2006.
She gets a lot of great press for “saving the world” pushing for aggressive surveillance and quarantines. But pleasant quarantines. A “superhero without a cape.” Pardis Sabeti was in great demand at the onset of a declared pandemic because she did such a great job during the Ebola outbreak and she prescribed the same type of surveillance and population control for CV. She even helped universities develop contact tracing surveillance apps like Lookout for students. Population control.
Pardis has produced plans to make sure all of the future regularly scheduled plandemics follow the same model as CV - but faster, better enforcement! Using early warning systems to shut a community or the world down the moment anything is detected.
And very powerful people have taken note of her talent and totalitarian impulses:
The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, 2001, Pardis Sabeti,
(other notable Paul Paul & Daisy Soros Fellows: 1998 Vivek Murthy, 2011 Vivek Ramaswamy)
The final person of interest on the Magic Carpet Ride is where it gets really interesting. Pardis Sabeti’s father, Parviz Sabeti, was the deputy in SAVAK, Iran's intelligence agency, and a high ranking security official in Shah's regime.
is an Iranian lawyer, former SAVAK top deputy under the regime of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. He was in charge of SAVAK’s second division which was called “Surveillance and Pursuit” dept. the division of SAVAK that was mainly responsible for interrogating individuals. Born in Sang-e Sar, Semnan Province. Sabeti received a law degree from the University of Tehran and joined the SAVAK, Iran's intelligence agency in Shah's regime, in 1957, and quickly rose to become the acting director of the SAVAK's so-called third division, the Division of Surveillance and Pursuit, and later became its director.
He has been called one of the most powerful men in the last two decades of the Pahlavi dynasty.
SAVAK: A Feared and Pervasive Force
Washington Post, May 9, 1977
Officials of the Washington-based Center for National Security Studies say they suspect that the CIA still makes an annual payment to SAVAK.
SAVAK's greatest triumph has perhaps been psychological. The SAVAK are spoken of as people who know everything, hold everything in their hands and have friends and helpers everywhere.
It takes very little to become a political suspect in Iran, for every action may have political significance.
All crime is, in a sense, political: Profiteering is putting personal interests before those of the state. Criticizing the shah belittles his authority and weakens the state's prestige, hence its authority.
Sabeti said that a dossier is started on a person "only if he is involved in anti-government activities." He amended that to say, "Or if we have the slightest indication he may become involved: then files and surveillance begin immediately."
At another point, he said, "If the opinion of dissenter were regarded as being helpful to the enemy, then any activity, direct or indirect, would be treason."
When I described seeing people afraid to speak of them except in a whisper, Sabeti said calmly, "There is no fear of SAVAK among the people."
Torture and Denials of Rights Laid to Iran by Jurists’ Group
New York Times, May 29, 1976
“Political suspects in Iran are subjected to “psychological and physical torture,” the International Commission of Jurists said in a report published today.
The “abundant evidence showing the systematic use” of such torture by Savak, the secret police organization, has not been submitted by the Iranian authorities to independent investigation, according to the report.
“In the past year Savak has made progress because of more work, more activities and more concentration on certain points,” the lanky 40‐year‐old Mr. Sabeti said, smiling over his teacup at the Savak headquarters here. He added crisply: “We never torture.”
The report also said that a key role in ordering political arrests here had been played by “the much‐feared Chairman Sabeti,” who heads a liaiso group linking Savak and the Force.
Since its establishment years ago, Savak—the name an acronym for Persian words meaning National Intelligence and Security Organization—has become probably the most powerful and dreaded police force in the Moslem Middle East. It reports directly to Shah and is subject to very few other controls.
Asked how many agents Savak maintained in the United States, Mr. Sabeti, a dapper figure in a plaid tie and a pale blue suit, leaned back and said amiably: “We'd better not talk about this, but we are fully aware of the situation of Iranian students abroad, especially those working in international Communism activities.”
A Fox thinks Pardis is a chip off the old block of father Parvis. Apple not falling far from the tree. These are the types of people deciding what is and isn't ethical when it comes to our health, our genes, our freedom. Forgetting or not caring that we are endowed by our creator with our inalienable rights. Not given permission by rulers, no matter how benevolent they imagine themselves. Absolute population control, surveillance, psychological fear campaigns, human genetic experiments without informed consent, intelligence agencies trained against civilian populations, propaganda and censorship, no body autonomy, no dissent. They declare it all “ethical!”
Brought here to the US by the CIA. Pardis has just taken up the family business, wearing a white coat of medical tyranny instead of uniforms of security forces. It’s no wonder the people of Iran overthrew the Shah. They just lacked the imagination that an Islamic Republic and Ayatollah would swoop in and create an authoritarian punitive theocracy. Jumped from the frying pan into the fire.
Did I mention the Magic Carpet would turn out to be Persian at the end? This rabbit hole explored on a flying carpet. I hope you enjoyed the flight!
You see how this Fox curiosity thing works now. Are these connections just coincidental, fodder for a good story by a creative narrator? Are they orchestrated, a part of a grand plan of some kind? Are they just the same types of people who gravitate to the same universe of ideas and power? Hard to say. What do you think?
More press for Pardis Sabeti. Children's Health Defense's, writer Brenda Baletti published this piece on August 23, 2023:
Gates Foundation, DOD Helping Fund Pandemic ‘Early Warning’ Surveillance System in Africa
In it she links to this Tweet by Bill Gates praising her. No mention of father, Parviz Sabeti, the Shah of Iran's brutal right hand man who ruthlessly crushed any dissent:
Like I said, Pardis has an ah-mazing publicist. Though Baletti's CHD piece probably isn't one they originated.
Fascinating! I think the global elite want worldwide control and are engaged in the same class warfare they have been propagating since the European empires began. And yes, it continues in the US. The only realistic solution I know of is a Collaborative Democracy as described in the book End Politics Now,