Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023Pinned

More press for Pardis Sabeti. Children's Health Defense's, writer Brenda Baletti published this piece on August 23, 2023:

Gates Foundation, DOD Helping Fund Pandemic ‘Early Warning’ Surveillance System in Africa


In it she links to this Tweet by Bill Gates praising her. No mention of father, Parviz Sabeti, the Shah of Iran's brutal right hand man who ruthlessly crushed any dissent:


Like I said, Pardis has an ah-mazing publicist. Though Baletti's CHD piece probably isn't one they originated.

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thanks for keeping us in the loop on these connections that the powers that be seem to prefer remain occult to us.

science has always been the handmaiden of the technocratic establishment and that's probably the reason that the center-of-gravity of political debate is always surreptitiously shifted to the "scientific experts"; as a means of circumventing actual defense of given policies but instead advancing them as foregone conclusions on the basis of "data-driven, scientific consensus."

but, obviously, scientific reasoning has little in common with moral reasoning. as Plato observed, somewhat tongue in cheek: a physician qua physician can perhaps heal a patient, but he cannot, qua physician, tell whether the patient would be better off dead. the function of scientific reasoning is to establish certain quantitative correlations between observable phenomena by postulating them and then attempting to falsify them. but we can never derive a moral precept or a basis for action from quantitative correlations between measurable phenomena, and it makes no sense to try. that is solely the province of moral reasoning.

in any case, preserving this distinction and defending it against those who would wish to collapse our ethical consciousness into scientific models seem to me one of the most subversive stands a person can take today against the Leviathan.


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Magic Carpet rides of the imagination can be fun is what I think (although sometimes things can change on a dime when riding the magic carpet but I digress.....) And "yes"....I also think if there is a forum that allows for it.....certain "minds" or folks with certain "dispositions", or based on one's sentimentality in general......I think when communication is "fair" they have tendency to gravitate towards one another in order to share with like minded souls and learn together based on the experiences of others.

I for one, am most fond of foxes - and that rug.....the coloring of it....the stitchery - looks quite familiar to me....I have a similar rug....two in fact, that I have placed in a small well built old house that I'm so fond of....I think I need to share an image of those magic carpets at some point in the future. Thanks for the wisdom you share.

Warm Regards,


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