Background Note: I first found this Chinese research paper in a link contained in this Foreign Affairs article:

Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses

The Current One Highlights Its Strengths

Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020


Foreign Affairs is an international affairs publication supported by and intended for the globalist audience, those who believe in one-world governance, varieties found both on the left and right. It is a highly influential publication in those circles.

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Man plans, the WHO laughs.

While I am nowhere near feeling hopeless, I do have a strong sense of futility, coupled with the slow burn of anger.

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The WHO plans, God laughs...but I also feel the slow burn...

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See above to Rust.

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The People have the power although is is not obvious, Rust. By giving our consent we choose to be governed but we can withdraw our consent whenever we wish. Unfortunately the masses are unaware of this which is why I try to explain how we can take our future into our own hands at any time: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-special-36e?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Great article, Reminds me of the Psyop/fake/real

letter: https://www.thesedevacantistdelusion.com/rothschild-letter

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I don't think that the vaccines of Edward Jenner were any different. Nor the "pandemics" of the Middle Ages Europe or for that matter (very likely) such things as the Justinian plague. Maybe China learnt from the Romans or maybe the Romans learnt from an earlier China, who is to know. I'd like to see the habit ended though.

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It's that whole, "learn from history or be doomed to repeat it" thing. We stopped teaching about important history in our schools and universities. Giving history credit to students for "The History of Rock and Roll" instead of the history of totalitarianism and freedom, governing models.

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Thanks for bringing attention to this. I've heard a number of Western people interviewed on alternative media sites lately, who are lauding China's 'success' in increasing cohesion and civic-mindedness among its population. They try to explain away the social credit system by claiming that the people themselves clamoured for such a system, so that they could know who to trust and do business with, after the chaos and criminality of the post-Communist era. But a tyrant is a tyrant, no matter whether he or she uses brute force or more subtle forms of mind control.

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As Noam Chomsky wrote in Manufacture of Consent. The people must be manipulated to think the 'right' way, for their own good. To demand their control by their betters - the cooler, dispassionate, more enlightened visionaries.

Most are familiar with Chomsky's work. But fewer know he had a fellow traveler sharing his ideas in the 1980's from Australia. Alex Carey. His works are even more informative today:

Taking the Risk Out of Democracy: Propaganda in the U.S. and Australia, 1995

Taking the Risk Out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda vs. Freedom and Liberty, 1996

This knowledge explains why and how they manipulate us. Information that allows us to meet and counter their assaults on our minds. And pull the curtain back for others to join our efforts to reclaim our minds as our own, as sovereign.

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I agree, but here's my fear: I'm just not sure whether, after over a century of attacks on the cognitive capacity of human beings using everything from water fluoridation to factory-model schooling to television and social media, that there are enough people left who have the capacity to break free of the matrix. I found this article by Eugyppius on the midwit effect (https://www.eugyppius.com/p/vaccines-and-the-midwit-effect-or) very persuasive and also deeply depressing.

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Yes, I read that. And those are valid concerns. Do you believe in God? Either we fix it, bring our families, communities and nation to him, his unadulterated, pre-21st century Satanic blasphemous interpretation of his word. Or he will most certain Sodom and Gomorrah us out of existence.

Start with the children. We must protect the children and teach them how to protect their minds, how to break free of the matrix. They are the future. The children are who God wants us to protect most. It's why they mask children above all others. The fight for the future. The criminals atop us know this. They are Satanic. We must teach our children how to survive the predators.

We may lose the older generations because we got lazy, complacent and indulged our selfish pursuits, trusting we were in good hands, ignoring God's grace. Our fault. Be we can save our children and their generation, by teaching them how we messed up, and how to reclaim their freedom we've all but lost for them.

The story of Mordechai the Righteous is instructive. We will find our hopes realized in the children:


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You've hit my sore spot, I admit. I would like to believe in God, and I listen to and read many people who have religious faith and see that it is a great source of comfort, courage and inspiration for them. I've spoken to rabbis and Christians about their faith, and how they experience connection to God, but I don't feel it or sense it myself.

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Lean into him directly. Pick up the Old Testament and start reading. Feel how the words land on you. You can take them figuratively or literally. Know that many don't mean the same today as they meant when they were written or translated. So let the energy and spirit of them touch you as you perceive them. Lean into that. If you seek more insights or clarity from the interpretations of others there are many resources on the web. Some better than others. You'll pick up agendas if you're savvy and used to reading the propaganda of our times, it's in the interpretations of scripture as well.

Don't assume that clergy know more than you about God. Or will be true and faithful guides for you. Especially after pandemic restrictions when they placed man's laws above God's laws and abandoned their flocks. They failed their congregants and communities. 98% of them absolutely failed. They went AWOL for the biggest spiritual crisis of humanity, submitted to fallen men's wills above God's. Unforgivable. They've forfeited any and all respect, moral authority they once had. Phoneys. Saying nothing about the assaults on children, gender, the abominations of equity and moral decay around us they embrace, or remain silent about, for fear of alienating congregants or being labeled haters, bigots. Of such little faith in God themselves it's no wonder people aren't able to experience connection to God with their guidance, they don't believe it or have it themselves.

Sorry, not sorry, to me they are frauds who've betrayed their most sacred trust, like doctors who forced masks and jabs on us, especially the children who've never been at risk. Skip the middle men that today's clergy are. Pick up the direct line to God. Call on him. He'll answer. Have faith. He won't let you down, unlike fallen men. Even fallen men in honorific robes adorned with all of the trappings of gawdy, showy, pretentious impostors to faith. 98% are corrupted by modernity, the money changers are in the temples, churches, mosques. You won't find faith there these days. Only government and high society approved stand-ins.

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100%, it's the aspect of control that makes one a tyrant. Because if that control begins to weaken, of social consciousness starts to drift -- then you'll see it used to the fullest extent.

There is never a time when a tyrant, has all that control, and doesn't eventually use it.

China did their part to illustrate this by locking people in apartment buildings and welding the damn doors shut! It was just a glimpse of what happens when such control exists.

This is the mistake that people make perpetually. It's also what the founding fathers were trying to avoid. Decentralized power is the key. It's also why everything that leftists do is designed to centralize power. Because you can't force society, this way and that, without that level of control. You can't have people going their own way. People must always go the way you want them to go -- and they must imagine that they are doing it by their own determination.

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And boy, aren't we seeing how important this control of messaging is to the would-be controllers, with the co-ordinated wave of online censorship bills currently being pushed through multiple parliaments.

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"If you can control about three or four key elements you can totally control a state. You can make right, wrong. You can make truth, falsehood. Falsehood, truth. If you control the media, if you control the justice department, if you control the police. you own the system."

This quote comes from "A Conspiracy of Silence", a Discovery Channel investigative documentary that was pulled just weeks before scheduled to air in May of 1994. About pedophilia, politicians, and big money. That reached all the way into the White House under George HW Bush, even while he was Reagan's VP. Sound of Freedom, while good, doesn't have anything on this.

Media censorship, the Justice Department and the Police state (CIA/FBI/NSA/DHS, all the alphabet agencies.) Control them and control the nation. And that is where we are today. We're not in Kansas any more, Toto. Or Nebraska. And until freedom Patriots control those three the tyrants will control us. As criminal syndicates do.


""Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, "Conspiracy of Silence" reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians"

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I saw that doco a couple of years ago. It came up during my first interview with Nebraska senator Kathleen Kauth: https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/protecting-children-against-the-trans

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Once upon a time this sounded like conspiracy stuff. Not any more.

The same investigator, John DeCamp, came on my radar when I was looking at the role of SSRI's in school shootings. Another Big Pharma coverup. Strange how all of the conspiracy theories have so many of the same players, huh?

This video of him was about the Columbine shooters. He had taken up a case to go against Big Pharma, but the legal claims were shut down and he became a target. Powerful forces intervened and threatened him, his offices were raided by federal officials, the interview reflects his hesitancy to go into great detail after having initially led an aggressive claim against Big Pharma:


The Big Pharma cover-up, behind so many of the mass school shootings. Covered up prior to and following Columbine:

The Report of Governor Bill Owens' Columbine Review Commission, May, 2001


Page 18 (.pdf Attachment 1)

"Eric Harris had apparently been placed on antidepressant medication, but the Commission was not able to obtain details. 37"

- Footnote #37

"Because specific information gleaned from law enforcement interviews with Kathy and Wayne Harris is unavailable to the Commission, the Commission cannot determine what they may have told police about their son's problems. However, they evidently knew something was wrong, because he was being treated with the antidepressant drug Luvox, prescribed to treat obsessive-compulsive disorders. However, the nature and scope of Harris’ pyschotherapy are not publicly known, because confidentiality issues surrounding his treatment are subjects of pending civil litigation. Autopsy results revealed Harris had a

therapeutic level of Luvox in his system when he committed suicide, which belied reports that he had stopped taking the medication. Klebold tested negative for all drugs at the time of his death.

Despite reports that Harris’ use of Luvox disqualified him from enlistment in the Marine Corps, it was the condition the medication was used to treat that made him ineligible. There was also widespread speculation that Harris’ rejection by the Marine Corps was one of the “triggers” for his deadly rampage. In fact, Harris was never notified by the Marine Corps that he was ineligible for enlistment. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Mark Gonzales met with Harris on April 5, 1999; Harris informed the recruiter in an initial screening interview that he was not taking any drugs. During a later home visit, on April 15, Kathy Harris informed Sgt. Gonzales that her son was on Luvox. Sgt. Gonzales said he would check to see how that would affect possible enlistment, and would let Eric Harris know of his eligibility status. Sgt. Gonzales left a telephone message for Eric Harris on April 17, but the call was not returned.

Irrespective of the drug issue, Harris likely would have been medically disqualified from Marine Corps enlistment because he was afflicted with a congenital birth defect, pectus excavatum, a condition commonly known as “funnel breast,” an abnormally sunken sternum. Medical records indicated that Harris underwent surgery in December, 1994 to correct the condition, which entailed the removal of cartilage along the sternum and the insertion of a steel strut to brace the area while the chest aligned itself in the proper position. The rod was removed in a second surgery six months later. The Marine Corps views the defect as a disqualifier for enlistment, although potential recruits can request a medical waiver if they can demonstrate the condition would not be an impediment to the physical rigors of boot camp. The fact that Harris did not report the condition, combined with the concealment of his psychological history, probably rendered him ineligible for enlistment under any circumstances."

The footnote #37 above is untrue when they say the information was unavailable because of confidentiality issues. They had it. They had it all. Confirmed by a member of the commission who I personally knew who told me of the internal fights within the commission on reporting the antidepressant connection, they had it solid. It was in an early report draft, but removed after extensive pressure from Big Pharma - and federal authorities - in 2001.

CNN early report of antidepressant connection:


A good blog resource of school shootings and the connection with SSRI's:


Columbine and Aurora Theater Shooters Were Driven By Psychiatric Drugs


"Peter Breggin, M.D., a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, has been involved in criminal and civil cases related to a number of mass murders. He recently reported his conclusions concerning the role of psychiatric drugs in five mass murders, including the two worst in Colorado history."

Political criminals, Big Pharma criminals, Banking criminals. All interconnected, one big nasty entanglement of evil. DeCamp was onto it. Even Peter Breggin's name is familiar to many of the Team Reality pandemic investigators and seekers of truth.

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There are indeed a comparatively small number of players, and their ugly faces pop up everywhere.

Peter Breggin is a true hero. I came across his books many years ago when I started to become suspicious of antidepressants. As he himself acknowledges, the corruption, greed and anti-humanness that he identified within psychiatry are not confined to that field, although psychiatry does provide one of the chief enabling mechanisms for modern-day tyrants to exert control over the masses.

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This is astute. Thanks for connecting some of the dots.

We have the "death of real science" and ... "the death of real journalism" and "the death of Academia" and the "death of real democracy" ... even the "death of the fearless and justice-seeking trial lawyer."

All the important institutions/professions that are supposed to exist to “search for the truth” have now been completely captured and flipped. They now seem to exist only to conceal the truth … and protect narratives that are false and dangerous. My thought: This does not bode well for our collective futures.

Here’s an article I wrote at my Substack site to develop the above point.


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Thank you. Will check yours out!

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Excellent discourse FF - thank you and well over the target because it fits well with all my research about the hidden corruption in the UK and the controlling hand of the City of London Banksters. They have openly declared war on the People and thus it is time to Resist by Not Complying. https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/ww3-declared-de-banking-silent-weapons-e27

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I just posted this essay on Tom Luongo's subscriber substack under "History Buffing." It is amazing.

It reminds me of Clif High's essay on the Chinese use of transvestites as assassins. https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/lin-biaos-curse-of-trans

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As for Clif High's essay, I'll differentiate my understanding from Clif's insofar as I don't believe this is orchestrated by the Chinese. I don't believe that this is by their grand design of global control. I believe the CCP and China are organized crime family enterprises. Chinese dynasties we read of in history are crime family enterprises under modern terms. What Communism enabled them to do was organize crime family operations under a sort of "Apalachin Meeting" construct, introduced in movies like The Godfather, Analyze This, etc, where crime families in different cities running different specialized rackets come together to divvy up the spoils and avoid crime gang civil wars. That would be the CCP's Politburo. And, for that matter, the US's Congress...and courts...and executive administrations. These are criminal enterprises, organized crime, operating under national flags with the full force of national government's at their disposal.

Chairman Xi is no more responsible than Pres. Bush, Obama, Biden, Clinton, VP Cheney, Speaker Pelosi, Sen. Schumer, the Rockefeller's, Morgan's, Gates, Fauci, etc. All criminal enterprises given honorific's and presumption of legitimate authority. But the blueprints, like the book I introduce, the history Clif High relates, the story that Foreign Affairs (Council of Foreign Relations) published all are useful to understanding the battleplan of our adversary. Clif High fingers a foreign adversary. A powerful competitor to be sure, but not particularly interested in if we become Marxists or not. They just want a good business partner to increase the size of the spoils they divvy.

The much more dangerous adversary is home grown. The organized crime family syndicates that don political parties and ideologies as their uniforms and armies they use to command the people who follow, trust and obey them. But care absolutely nothing about. Much like Prescott Bush made his family fortune and set the course for two presidents off of the blood and guts of young American men from the heartland, bodies ripped apart by the bullets and bombs that Prescott Bush helped equip Hitler's army with. Cannon fodder. Just like young Ukrainian men today. The foreign adversary boogieman of China is a useful distraction from the real criminals among and atop us.

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Fascinating. I did not know that about the Chinese CCP, but that makes sense. Alex Krainer recently said in a podcast with Tom Luongo (speaking of him) that he has had conversations recently with Chinese Dragon Families that concurred with Tom's assessment that the US just acknowledged China's seniority in the US/Chinese relationship when US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellin went to China recently. I assume that those dragon families are who you are referring to.

Speaking of being incoherent, I am not following you on who the more dangerous, home-grown adversary is. Is it the foot soldiers of those larger, organized crime family syndicates?

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As for acknowledging seniority, when every single large multinational corporation that has business operations in China took the knee and wrote massive checks to Marxist BLM that was American industry pushing all-in on the China model, "socialism with Chinese characteristics." The US designated to be "socialism with American characteristics." That was the declaration of allegiance. They bet on a 1.4 billion population with a growing middle class and disposable income over a 330 million population shrinking middle class without disposable income. Yellin's visit was a trailing indicator of what has already been done.

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Rockefeller crime family syndicate. Rothschild crime family syndicate. All the big banker crime families.

Bush crime family syndicate.

Clinton crime family syndicate. Coutts. All the big political actors crime families.

Many crime family syndicates. US. Even the House of Windsor in the UK, German Fascists installed atop the British Crown a century ago.

Even the Catholic Church crime family syndicate. It's all infected, all a part of the same criminal system. They may look different, like different family trees. But they are like trees in an Aspen grove, all roots interconnected, many trees, one living organism.


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This would explain why every crime family syndicate is either organized, owned or funded by the Black Nobility. Government is essentially a global crime family syndicate wheeling and dealing amongst themselves to control the cannon fodder population for their benefit. It all stems from the Venetian Empire where Italian mobs became heroes throughout history and sensationalized in Hollywood with mafia movies.

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Very interesting piece, thank you for sharing that. A whole lot of overlap. I believe it's harder to prove there isn't a coordinated effort underway in the west to do what was done in China than there is to prove there is. It's a blueprint, a template. We have to learn it and understand it and share it so we can defeat it.

I tried to find the Luongo substack, History Buffing link you describe, unsuccessfully.

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It is a private substack.

Luongo is an interesting guy. Trained and worked as a biochemist. Minored in poetry in college. Today, he is a geopolitical and market analyst. Familiar with Christianity and respectful of it, but not what I would consider a believer. He sees unique relationships between financial markets and politics.

His webpage is https://tomluongo.me/

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I did find that webpage searching for him. Didn't realize there were private Substacks that don't appear in searches. I could see those as being useful.

Though I'm under no illusions about what Substack is and isn't. I appreciate it for what it is, the information we are allowed to push here without censorship, the public statements of the ownership. But I know enough to know it isn't immune from the forces and pressures around us. And the treachery around us is real, ever-present, even among friends.

While I hope against hope that Substack is an honest broker, if it were discovered one day not to be I won't be surprised. Honeypots attracting what they attract to one central location serve a useful function. Or I'm just a big skeptic of everything these days. Time will tell.

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If I wrote Substack, it is because my incoherence is really high today. It is a private Slack server. Sorry to send you on a goose chase.

I agree with you about Substack. It is an amazing thing right now. It connects people globally like nothing I have ever seen -- you and I having this conversation, for example.

And when they round us all up, I stand by everything that I write. Freedom isn't free, etc., as you recently wrote.

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Exactly! We use them to grow our herd. Herd immunity is our best defense to these predators. They may pick off the weak, exposed, isolated, but the herd survives. They operate without morals, ethics or legal restraints in a post-constitutional republic where law is a shield for the criminals, a bludgeon against their opponents. We are in a race. To grow our herd. Before they take away all of our platforms to recruit the newly awakened.

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Tangential (foxes; magic; Japan, not China), but you might enjoy some light relief in these heavy times: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2210769/

It had me in stitches.

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Lol! While every man who desires Liza shall die horribly, as a fox-fairy she can seek love from a Fox who desires her without fear of dying!! Love will always find a way with the right Fox!

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May 14, 2023Edited
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I'm curious about your thoughts on a piece that's made some rounds on channels many consider more conspiracy-minded. Which have proven to have more and more credibility these days. Though wise foxes must be careful of those that are clever setups to discredit skeptics. I don't bite on multiple-hop sourcing without corroboration. But I find it interesting enough to contemplate without putting my credibility stamp on it. Offering it as conjecture for those who care to contemplate, as well. Two parts:

NWO plans related from 1969:


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Interesting! I enjoy this type of information, I can read past any writing quibbles and get to the important content without much trouble. Just have had time for a good scan of it, will get back to a closer read. As to the content I've scanned, my first impression is, "I do not like it, Sam I Am. I do not like green eggs and ham."

In reading that I find the words of wisdom that a figure from American history I was previously taught to believe was a radical terrorist even wiser. Western science is full of itself. And dangerous. And the natural world, God, will have something to say about it all before it ever comes to pass. From a previous FF Stack:


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May 14, 2023
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I recommend reading the full speech transcribed in Rolling Stone that I link to. My excerpts are snippets from an exceptional presentation of ideas that have gained even more meaning with the passage of time. Long. But well worth it.

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May 14, 2023
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Trust in no man. Not even a Fox who you believe you have good reason to trust. Trust only God, Almighty. It's that whole trusting in man thing, even those we believe we have good reason to trust that has brought us to these times. ;)

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May 14, 2023
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Is that you "Frank".

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Lol, it was a follower who had a terrible preachy intolerance and insulting manner. That, along with the all caps he used led me to block.

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I was surprised to see these comments removed on the comment thread. I went back to find it came from an account, noosfera's Substack. Which now is unavailable, marked as a Term of Service violation when I try to connect to it. This was a Russia-based account, still active until the last post on 5/21, as this archived page shows:


This is the first time I've seen a TOS violation on Substack. Not sure what drove it, if the Russia connection had something to do with it, but I found the comments made here to be thoughtful, and the titles of his subject matter on his page, as well. A curiousity, and in an era of censorship troubling. Not sure if it came from within Substack, a valid reason, or an outside demand of Substack? But I'm sad to see his contributions disappear on this page.

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